Category: Road Motorcycles

  • NOCO Genius1. An affordable battery charger & maintainer.

    NOCO Genius1. An affordable battery charger & maintainer.

    I have three motorcycles, and I’ll admit it – I’m a fair-weather rider. If the sun isn’t shining, my bikes stay parked. This means they often sit unused for long periods, especially during the winter months. While it’s easy to focus on visible maintenance like cleaning or checking tire pressure, one vital component often gets…

  • Three Lochs Run – Scottish Borders

    Three Lochs Run – Scottish Borders

    Making use of the recent great weather I tried the short Three Lochs Run described on the Motorcycle Scotland site riding my newly acquired 650 Bandit. Traveling from Broughton, I joined the route at Tweedsmuir. I continued along the A701 towards Moffat stopping briefly at Ericstane to take in the view. It’s nearly a year since I…